Solving the Mysterious “Execution failed for task ‘:package_info_plus:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'” on Bitrise Builds
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Solving the Mysterious “Execution failed for task ‘:package_info_plus:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'” on Bitrise Builds

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Are you tired of seeing the dreaded “Execution failed for task ‘:package_info_plus:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'” error on your Bitrise builds? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has been plaguing developers for far too long. But fear not, dear reader, for today we’re going to dive deep into the heart of this problem and emerge victorious on the other side.

The Culprit: package_info_plus

The package_info_plus plugin is a popular tool in the Flutter ecosystem, providing an easy way to access device information, app version, and platform-specific data. However, it’s also the primary suspect behind our “Execution failed” error. But why does it only occur on Bitrise builds, you ask? Well, that’s a tale for the next section…

Bitrise Build Environments: The Perfect Storm

Bitrise is an incredible platform for automating mobile app builds, but its unique environment can sometimes lead to unexpected behaviors. When you combine the package_info_plus plugin with Bitrise’s build environment, you get the perfect storm of errors. Here are some potential reasons why:

  • Java version mismatch: Bitrise uses a different Java version than your local development environment, which can cause compatibility issues with package_info_plus.
  • Plugin configuration: package_info_plus requires specific configurations to work correctly, which might not be properly set up in your Bitrise workflow.
  • Dependency versions: Bitrise might be using different versions of dependencies than your local environment, leading to version conflicts with package_info_plus.

The Investigation Begins

Now that we’ve identified the suspects and potential causes, it’s time to start digging deeper. Let’s examine the error message and Bitrise logs to uncover more clues.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':package_info_plus:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'.
> compileSdkVersion is not specified. Please add it to the module-level build.gradle file.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

As we can see, the error message is pointing to the `compileReleaseJavaWithJavac` task, which is part of the package_info_plus plugin. It’s complaining about the `compileSdkVersion` not being specified. But wait, didn’t we set that in our `build.gradle` file?

Diving Deeper into build.gradle

Let’s take a closer look at our `build.gradle` file and see if we can find any clues. Here’s an example:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 29
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId ""
        minSdkVersion 21
        targetSdkVersion 29
        versionCode 1
        versionName "1.0"

Ah-ha! We did specify the `compileSdkVersion` in our `build.gradle` file. So, what’s going on? It seems like package_info_plus is trying to compile the Java code using a different `compileSdkVersion` than what we specified. But why?

The Fix: Specifying compileSdkVersion for package_info_plus

After some careful analysis, we’ve discovered that the issue arises because package_info_plus is using a different `compileSdkVersion` than our project. To resolve this, we need to specify the `compileSdkVersion` directly for package_info_plus. Here’s the solution:

android {

flutter {

dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation ''
    implementation ''

project(':package_info_plus').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, 'path/to/package_info_plus')
project(':package_info_plus').buildDir = new File(settingsDir, 'path/to/package_info_plus/.android/')

project(':package_info_plus').android.compileSdkVersion = 29
project(':package_info_plus').android.defaultConfig.compileSdkVersion = 29
project(':package_info_plus').android.buildToolsVersion = "29.0.3"

We’re specifying the `compileSdkVersion` and `buildToolsVersion` directly for the package_info_plus plugin. This ensures that package_info_plus uses the same `compileSdkVersion` as our project, resolving the conflict.

Additional Tips and Troubleshooting

We’ve solved the main issue, but there are some additional tips and troubleshooting steps to keep in mind:

  • Make sure your Java version is compatible with package_info_plus: Ensure that your Bitrise build environment is using a compatible Java version with package_info_plus.
  • Check your plugin configurations: Verify that your package_info_plus plugin configuration is correct and matches your project’s requirements.
  • Verify dependency versions: Double-check that your Bitrise build environment is using the same dependency versions as your local environment.
  • Clear the Bitrise cache: Sometimes, clearing the Bitrise cache can resolve issues related to plugin configurations and dependency versions.
  • Check the Bitrise logs: Carefully review the Bitrise logs to identify any underlying issues that might be causing the error.


And there you have it! With this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the “Execution failed for task ‘:package_info_plus:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'” error on your Bitrise builds. Remember to carefully examine your `build.gradle` file, specify the `compileSdkVersion` for package_info_plus, and follow the additional tips and troubleshooting steps.

By mastering this solution, you’ll be well on your way to a smooth and error-free build process on Bitrise. Happy building!

Q: Why does this error only occur on Bitrise builds?
A: This error occurs due to differences in the build environment and configurations between your local development environment and Bitrise.
Q: Can I use a different plugin instead of package_info_plus?
A: Yes, you can explore alternative plugins, but keep in mind that package_info_plus is a popular and widely-used plugin in the Flutter ecosystem.
Q: How do I check my Bitrise logs?
A: You can access your Bitrise logs by clicking on the “Logs” tab in your Bitrise workflow.

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with the elusive “Execution failed for task ‘:package_info_plus:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac'” error on Bitrise build? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you troubleshoot and resolve this pesky issue.

What is the “package_info_plus:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac” task, and why is it failing?

The “package_info_plus:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac” task is a Gradle task responsible for compiling Java code for the package_info_plus plugin in release mode. It’s failing because of a configuration issue or dependency conflict in your project. Check your Gradle configuration, plugin versions, and dependencies to identify the root cause.

Is this error specific to Bitrise builds, or can it occur in local development environments as well?

While the error can occur in local development environments, it’s more likely to happen on Bitrise builds due to the differences in build configurations and dependencies between local and CI/CD environments. This error is often related to specific Bitrise configuration or plugin versions.

How do I troubleshoot this error on Bitrise?

To troubleshoot, review the Bitrise build logs to identify the exact error message and stack trace. Check your `.yml` configuration files, Gradle versions, and plugin dependencies. You can also try running the build with the `–stacktrace` or `–info` flags to get more detailed error messages.

Can I use a different version of the package_info_plus plugin to resolve the issue?

Yes, you can try updating or downgrading the package_info_plus plugin version to see if it resolves the issue. Make sure to check the compatibility of the new version with your project’s dependencies and Gradle version. You can also try excluding the plugin entirely if it’s not essential to your project.

What are some common solutions to this error, and where can I find more resources?

Common solutions include updating Gradle versions, adjusting plugin configurations, and adjusting Java versions. You can find more resources on the Bitrise documentation, Gradle documentation, and package_info_plus plugin issues on GitHub. Additionally, you can search for similar issues on Stack Overflow or Bitrise forums to find community-driven solutions.