The Mysterious Case of the Missing Completed Method: A Guide to Fixing the Secondary ‘Enter’ Button Issue in Xamarin
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The Mysterious Case of the Missing Completed Method: A Guide to Fixing the Secondary ‘Enter’ Button Issue in Xamarin

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If you’re a Xamarin developer, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a peculiar issue where the secondary ‘Enter’ button on your Android or iOS device doesn’t trigger the Completed method. This can be frustrating, especially when you’ve invested hours into crafting the perfect UI and functionality for your app. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to diagnose and fix this pesky problem once and for all!

What’s the Big Deal About the Completed Method?

The Completed method is an essential event handler in Xamarin that’s responsible for executing a set of actions when a user submits a form or completes an input field. It’s a fundamental building block of many mobile apps, and its malfunction can break the user experience.

The Symptoms: Identifying the Issue

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s first identify the symptoms of this issue:

  • The secondary ‘Enter’ button on your device’s keyboard doesn’t trigger the Completed method.
  • The Completion method is only triggered when the primary ‘Enter’ button is pressed.
  • The issue is specific to Android or iOS devices, or sometimes both.

Root Cause Analysis: Unraveling the Mystery

After conducting an exhaustive investigation, we’ve pinpointed the root cause of this issue to be related to the keyboard settings and the way Xamarin handles keyboard events.

Android: The Culprit Behind the Curtain

In Android, the secondary ‘Enter’ button is treated as an ACTION_GO action, whereas the primary ‘Enter’ button is treated as an ACTION_DONE action. Xamarin, by default, listens to the ACTION_DONE event, which explains why the Completed method is only triggered when the primary ‘Enter’ button is pressed.

// Xamarin's default behavior
EditCompleted += (sender, e) => {
    if (e.IsDone) {
        // Completed method logic

In iOS, the story takes a different turn. The secondary ‘Enter’ button is treated as a UIReturnKeyNext action, while the primary ‘Enter’ button is treated as a UIReturnKeyDone action. Here, Xamarin’s default behavior listens to the UIReturnKeyDone event, causing the same issue as in Android.

// Xamarin's default behavior
EditCompleted += (sender, e) => {
    if (e.ReturnKeyType == UIReturnKeyType.Done) {
        // Completed method logic

Solutions Galore: Fixing the Issue for Good

Now that we’ve identified the root cause, let’s explore the solutions to fix this issue once and for all!

Android: Adopting the ACTION_GO Action

To fix the issue on Android, we need to listen to the ACTION_GO event instead of the default ACTION_DONE event. We can achieve this by creating a custom renderer for the Entry control:

public class CustomEntryRenderer : EntryRenderer
    public override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)

        if (e.NewElement != null)
            var editText = (EditText)Control;
            editText.EditorAction += (sender, args) => {
                if (args.ActionId == ImeAction.Go)
                    // Trigger the Completed method

iOS: Embracing the UIReturnKeyNext Action

On iOS, we need to listen to the UIReturnKeyNext event instead of the default UIReturnKeyDone event. We can achieve this by creating a custom renderer for the Entry control:

public class CustomEntryRenderer : EntryRenderer
    public override void LayoutSubviews()

        var textView = (UITextField)Control;
        textView.ShouldReturn += (sender) => {
            if (textView.ReturnKeyType == UIReturnKeyType.Next)
                // Trigger the Completed method
            return true;

Putting it all Together: A Step-by-Step Guide

To fix the issue, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Xamarin.Forms project or open an existing one.
  2. Add a new class for the custom renderer (e.g., CustomEntryRenderer). Implement the code snippets provided earlier for Android and iOS.
  3. In your XAML file, replace the default Entry control with the custom renderer:
  • In your code-behind, set the Completed event handler for the custom renderer:
  • CustomEntrypleted += (sender, e) => {
    // Completed method logic

    Conclusion: The Secondary 'Enter' Button Redemption

    And there you have it! With these solutions, you should now be able to trigger the Completed method using the secondary 'Enter' button on both Android and iOS devices. Remember, debugging is an art, and sometimes it takes a combination of detective work and creative problem-solving to resolve seemingly insurmountable issues.

    By following this guide, you'll not only fix the secondary 'Enter' button issue but also gain a deeper understanding of Xamarin's keyboard event handling and the importance of custom renderers in resolving platform-specific quirks.

    So, the next time you encounter a mysterious issue in Xamarin, remember to stay calm, stay curious, and always keep your detective hat on!

    Platform Issue Solution
    Android Secondary 'Enter' button doesn't trigger Completed method Listen to ACTION_GO event using a custom renderer
    iOS Secondary 'Enter' button doesn't trigger Completed method Listen to UIReturnKeyNext event using a custom renderer

    Here are 5 Questions and Answers about "Secondary 'Enter' button doesn't trigger Completed Method on Xamarin" in HTML format:

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Get answers to the most frequently asked questions about Xamarin's secondary 'Enter' button not triggering the Completed method.

    Why doesn't the secondary 'Enter' button trigger the Completed method in Xamarin?

    The secondary 'Enter' button on Android devices is not a standard Enter key, but rather a "Next" or "Done" button. This button does not trigger the Completed method by default. Instead, it moves the focus to the next input field or closes the keyboard.

    How can I make the secondary 'Enter' button trigger the Completed method in Xamarin?

    You can create a custom renderer for the Entry control and override the OnEditorAction method to detect when the secondary 'Enter' button is pressed. Then, you can manually call the Completed method.

    Is there a way to globally set the secondary 'Enter' button to trigger the Completed method in Xamarin?

    Yes, you can create a custom renderer for the Entry control and set it as a global renderer for all Entry controls in your Xamarin app. This way, you can ensure that the secondary 'Enter' button triggers the Completed method throughout your app.

    Does the Completed method only work with the primary 'Enter' button in Xamarin?

    Yes, by default, the Completed method is only triggered when the primary 'Enter' button is pressed. The primary 'Enter' button is typically the "Return" or "Enter" key on the keyboard.

    Are there any workarounds for iOS devices where the 'Enter' button is not a standard key?

    On iOS devices, you can use the ShouldReturn method to detect when the "Return" button is pressed. This method can be overridden in a custom renderer to trigger the Completed method.